Opening Ceremony

Opening Ceremony

Keynote Lectures by
Nobel Prize Awardees’
Brian Kobilka and
Thomas Südhof

GPCRs on the Spot:
Top-class scientists of
the GPCR field

GPCR Science Networking:
36 Talks in six Sessions,
Round Table discussions
during 4 Poster Sessions,
Industrial Exhibition

GPCR Executive
Committees Meetings:
Hearings and Reports of
the Bodies of the Consortia

Early Career
Investigators Session:
GPCR Flash Talks by ECI

GPCRs at Night:
Night Tour and Dinner
at Zoo Leipzig


Opening Ceremony

Opening Ceremony

Keynote Lectures by
Nobel Prize Awardees’
Brian Kobilka and
Thomas Südhof

GPCRs on the Spot:
Top-class scientists of
the GPCR field

GPCR Science Networking:
36 Talks in six Sessions,
Round Table discussions
during 4 Poster Sessions,
Industrial Exhibition

GPCR Executive
Committees Meetings:
Hearings and Reports of
the Bodies of the Consortia

Early Career
Investigators Session:
GPCR Flash Talks by ECI

GPCRs at Night:
Night Tour and Dinner
at Zoo Leipzig


4GPCRnet meeting brought together four of the largest GPCR networks in Europe for a joint meeting in Leipzig.

Four of the largest European networks in the field of GPCR research (COST Actions Adher’n Rise and ERNEST, as well as the DFG-funded SFB1423 and FOR2372) joined forces to organise an international meeting that took place in the beautiful city of Leipzig, Germany, from 26 to 29 September 2022.

Our aim was to bring together renowned international experts in the field with young up-and-coming scientists. The event took place in the heart of Leipzig, which offered a colourful mix of culture and lively social life.




Dear colleagues, dear friends,

It was our great pleasure to host you all in Leipzig for the 4GPCRnet Symposium.

More than two weeks have past since the event took place, but the great science, exciting discussions, and long-awaited rekindling of many friendships remain! We would like to thank you all for participating and contributing your excellent science and enthusiasm. The feedback was overwhelmingly positive, especially from our young scientists, many of whom got to experience their first face-to-face conference in Leipzig.

We trust you all returned home safe and healthy, and we look forward to meeting you again in the near future – wherever in the world that may be!

Please find here a press release on the occasion of the 4GPCRnet Symposium:

All the best,
and on behalf of the organizing team,

Annette Beck-Sickinger

Institute of Biochemistry,
Faculty of Life Sciences, Leipzig University
Brüderstr. 34, 04103 Leipzig, Germany